Roof 101 operates in such a way that you aren’t required to do more than make that first call. Once we identify the nature of your roofing project, we locate the three most reputable roofing contractors in your area for that specific field of roofing. We do so by means of a thorough pre-screening process that continues at all times. This allows for absolute certainty that you are being cared for by reliable, expert roofers. The roofing contractors will each provide you with their best estimate, thereby simplifying the process of shopping around for professional roofers and fair practice.
We use the most advanced pre-screening methods in order to determine the expertise of each roofer we work with. The pre-screening process is continuous throughout a roofer’s entire association with us, and his workmanship, behavior and communication is constantly checked. This approach ensures that all roofers are reputable, professional and reliable at all times. For first hand proof of our dedication to quality roofing services and friendly business practice, take a look at our testimonials section.
Because we are associated with thousands of roofing contractors, we are always able to cater for a specific roofing project. We provide roofers who specialize in all areas of roofing installation, roof repair, renovation, cleaning, restoration and inspection services. We also handle all residential roofing, commercial roofing, and industrial roofing accounts.
Don't wait until the first snowfall or heavy rain before finding out if your roof needs tending to - not only will it be more difficult, but it will also be less effective. The following information will guide you on what to look for during a self roof inspection, in order to know what to take care of before winter hits.