Roof Construction

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Roof Construction & Professionalism

Roof construction is a complicated task that should be executed meticulously with safety and precision. At Roof 101, we provide pre-screened roofing contractors for all types of roof construction services, from designing the layout and ordering trusses, to applying the final coating of paint. We believe in delivering to you only the best quality service, professionalism and reliability, at a speedy and efficient work pace.

Important Decisions Concerning Roof Construction

Constructing a roof is a process without any room for error, a process in which forgetting or disregarding a certain aspect of the roof construction can lead to both complications and compromise. For this reason, it is important you cover all the possible aspects of roof construction with a Roof 101 contractor before commencing, as well as outline exactly what you hope to get out of your roof once finished.
The following is a list of the most basic options regarding roof construction:

Flat Roof Construction Options & Advice

Flat roof construction is the ‘simplest’ form of roof construction, and therefore the least expensive. However, there are many different installation options that should be considered before beginning the construction process, such as its pitch – which will influence its weather durability, fire and acoustic performance options, insulation and thermal performance, and of course, strength. At Roof 101, we always try to incorporate all the beneficial aspects of a specific roofing design, whilst adhering to your needs, desired overall look and budget. If you have opted for flat roof construction, contact your nearest Roof 101 branch to go over with a representative all the flat roof construction alternatives, and receive quality advice from an experienced professional.



Latest DIY Guide

How to Install a Roof

Roof installation is a very tricky process, and anything not executed accurately can lead to serious damage. If you think you are skilled enough to attempt roof installation on your own, it is important you know all roofing regulations well. Alternatively, contact a professional and get quality assistance.


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