Rubber Membrane

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Rubber Membrane Roofing Constituents

Sometimes called synthetic or thermoset rubber, rubber membrane roofing is made of large flat pieces of synthetic rubber materials that are welded together at the seams to form a continuous membrane. The final thickness of rubber membrane roofing is usually about 0.75-1.5 millimeters, and it is highly suited to low slope and flat roofing surfaces. Some of the other materials integrated into rubber membrane roofing include ECR, CSPE, and CR.

The Benefits of Rubber Membrane Roofing

Rubber membrane roofing is UV resistant and therefore does not require an additional layer of surfacing such as tar or gravel, as with asphalt built up and tar and gravel roofs. It also makes them significantly lighter, which minimizes the effort required to install or replace a flat roof rubber. Furthermore, rubber membrane roofing can be applied in lengths of up to 50 feet, meaning that not only can many applications be covered with one single piece of rubber membrane roofing, but the amount of seams and joints is minimized heavily in those that cannot. The minimal seams and joints eliminate many problems associated with leaks and penetrations, and therefore the overall maintenance of a flat roof. EPDM and CSPE are the best performing rubber membrane roofing compounds, as their seams can actually be welded together.

Servicing Rubber Membrane Roofs

Rubber membrane roofs require periodic inspections, usually once a year, for the purpose of ensuring that no leaks or penetrations have developed. When detected early, they are easily stopped and treated. It will also ensure that your rubber membrane roof is functioning properly and living its full life span (which is highly dependent upon the level of attention it receives). Our rubber membrane roofing experts can offer you quality inspection, repair, and maintenance services for both residential and commercial buildings, and provide your flat roof rubber with the professional care it requires.



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