Single Ply Roofing

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Single ply roofing is a single layered roof membrane that is made of reinforced thermoplastic or thermo set materials. Single ply roofing is made in flexible sheets and when installed, is sealed at the joints in order to allow for continuous waterproofing. When used with appropriate insulation and support mechanisms, single ply roofing provides a complete roofing system.

The qualities of single ply roofing

All single ply systems are strong and flexible, and have a general life span of approximately 25-30 years. Single ply roofs are resistant to UV radiation, weathering, and chemical oxidation. They require no additional surface protection, and when painted in certain colors, can allow for both heating and cooling effects, making them very cost effective. Also, singly ply systems are made of recyclable, pure grade materials, which keep your house green.

Single ply roofing maintenance

All low slope single ply roofs should be inspected about twice a year, and after any extreme weathering such as storm. The maintenance work that may be required can include tightening of fasteners, attention to flashings, tightening of any penetrations, unblocking of drains, and removal of any debris. Because of the unique way singly ply roofing is installed, it is strongly advised that you hire a professional roofer to maintain a single ply roof. Our contractors provide professional, quality single ply roofing services for all kinds of applications. Simply give us a call or write an email to make an appointment that suits you. By maintaining your single ply roof twice yearly or as needed, it will be able to withstand its full lifetime.



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